Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Resolution, my Reality

Ok, it is one month into the new year. What is going to be different this time? No more pattern of the same statements: wishes spewed out as the old year passes away. Notions that I can't quite grasp, fleeting as the thoughts that pushed them forward. Or a noble idea I release to another years' universe like a sigh that escapes me and that means so much yet means nothing at all....

This is what will be different. I am shaking off this apathy, as it sits like a heavy, stinking coat that weighs much too heavy on my shoulders. I will free myself of last years' grief and goodbyes.

I will embrace 2010 close to me and smell its roses and gum drops, feel its sun rays and moon lights. Live each of its moments.

In the tears, and in the joy, in the sickness, and in the dance, in the exuberance and in the calm, in the whispers and in the shouts - I will extract the good and the precious.

And it will all be precious. Every day will be my pursuit of happiness......here, for the world to see.

1 comment:

  1. Voici de bien belles resolutions ..C' est toujours agreable de les formuler ..Courage ma douce ..Bizzzzzzzzzzzzzz .
