A socialist, the first since Mitterand was re-elected in
1988, takes over France. He has vowed to
fight against German-led austerity measures and to tax the rich…..time will
tell if he can bring France back from a brink shared by its other European neighbors.
Though it is a democracy, and so since 1789, France is on
its Fifth Republic. Through the years
these republics have essentially stretched, reformed and morphed their
The President and the Prime Minister in the French political
system, the first- and second-highest authorities respectively, are not always
of the same party and must learn to work together.
The current Prime Minister is François Fillon, he is
appointed by the President after being nominated by the majority party in the
National Assembly for an indefinite term. My understanding is that the Prime Minister
manages the daily affairs of government but has no real power….that is how it
seems to me anyway.
I am sorry to see Sarkozy go, he was the first in a long
time, if not ever, French president that was truly Pro-American. I think he made a valiant effort to take
France out of its sometimes Dark Ages tendencies…
Right before the
weekend he was asked to comment on if he lost, his answer: "There will be
a handover of power. The nation follows its course. The nation is stronger than
the destiny of the men who serve it"
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