Thursday, March 18, 2010

BellNa colloquiallism # 73

"There ain't no birds up in here!"

Because one day we will all be old and forgetful. 

Staring up into a very blue winter sky with the big North Carolina crows CAW-ing! CAW -ing!   I wonder out loud about the melancholy their sound produces within my heart on this particular day.  Belle reflects, "will these memories come back to us vividly one day?"  One day when we struggle to remember our youthful thoughts, blowing in the breeze of our minds like fabric shredded in the wind, a piece of something impossible to grasp.....

Yes, Belle and I think: we will be sitting, hunched over in a cushioned chair, in some sort of stark building - I will cry out - "Look at the birds, so many of them in this sky, piercing my heart with their cry!?"

Prompting the care givers to exclaim "Missy!  There ain't no birds up in here!"

But there are, there are, there are.....


  1. Tu as bien le temps de penser ma douce Nanie à ce que seront tes souvenirs lorsque les nuages des années auront blanchit tes beaux cheveux ,penses plutôt aux fonds marins que tu retrouveras en floride très bientôt , soit prudente sur la route demain ..à dimanche ..Bisous with love .

  2. Merci d' etre passe sur mon blog , ma douce .J' aimerai que tu ecrives un joli commentaire sur le poeme du 19 , je ferai une copie pour jacqueline , ecris le seulement en anglais les mots seront plus profond merci ..Bisous ...
