Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the long and winding road

I decided at about 4:45pm to walk home. The sun was shining and the snow was melting. I remembered that Belle had a beautiful pair of blue, rubber boots in her office. Since she loves me, I knew they were mine to take. The fit was perfect.

I set off, me and my grey satin trench coat and my bright blue boots. I cut across a stark pasture, my steps creating the first marks on the shiny white sheet that spread out before me.

I came across this tree, the sun was shining off of its branches so wildly that it looked like each limb was crazily reaching out to the heavens, screaming, it seemed, "it's cold!" .

Around the bend as I kept on, I met a lady walking her two dogs. One of which was a little old thing, head lowered, munching on chunks of ice. The other was a pure, muscled and huge pit bull - Jaxon. "Does he ever intimidate" I asked her, thinking I knew the answer. She did not disappoint. Jaxon had the most massive head I had ever seen on an animal. His jaws so huge that it looked as if he had packed his cheeks with oranges. His legs were thick and defined with big knobbly joints. And all he wanted to do in his life at that moment was jump on me and give me kisses.

It reminded me of how truly you can never know a thing by simply looking at it, not one thing. Jaxon was as sweet as he could be, just as he was pulling the lady every which way, his leash barely containing him, looking like he could devour you.....I said my goodbyes and started on my way, turning back for a moment, Jaxon was watching me go, smiling, cheek to cheek.

1 comment:

  1. Message pour le bel arbre .
    Chaque fois que je passe devant cet arbre je lui dit qu'il est beau. Au debut du printemps il est bien fier de me montrer ces nouvelles feuilles ..Il me regarde majestueusement quand je passe devant lui l' ete en velo respelidissant de son vert feuillage .D' un air plus timide il me dit bonjour au debut de l'automne rougissant un peu de ces nouvelles couleurs,l' hiver il somnole bien souvent engourdit par le froid , mais il m' entend lui dire a chaque visite conbien je l' aime ...Bisous .
